Italian Recipe for Delicious Orange Jam With the Peel


The orange jam is a jam with an intense taste. It perfectly accompanies seasonal cheeses, sweets, and pies. Since our marmalade will be an orange jam with the peel, it would be best if you chose untreated and relatively fresh oranges.


1kg Oranges BIO

1kg Sugar

2 Sticks of Cinnamon

1.5 liters of Water

1 Lemon


  • Wash the oranges well by using a sponge.

  • Then fill a pot with cold water, and leave the oranges to rest inside for 24 hours.

  • After spending the period, cut the oranges into thin slices, as in the photo.

  • Put the cut oranges in a large pot and add the sugar, cinnamon, and juice of a lemon. Put them on the fire and mix well.

  • Add the water slowly when you see that the sugar has melted. If your mixture becomes too liquid, add less water (800ml.)

  • Cook for 45-60 min, stirring meanwhile. After that, do the density check.

  • As soon as the orange jam is ready and hot, fill the jars.

  • Flip the jars and leave them to cool.

  • The Orange jam with the peel perfectly accompanies seasonal cheeses, sweets, and pies.

My charcuterie board with Orange jam with the peel


Buon appetito😉


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