Pasta with Neapolitan Ragù Italian Recipe


The Pasta with Neapolitan Ragù is excellent with Paccheri, maccheroni, zitti or mezza maniche and accompanied by a nice grated 🧀 Pecorino cheese or Parmesan cheese. How to prepare Neapolitan ragù click here to check the recipe Neapolitan Ragù Recipe

We are using only the sauce for seasoning the pasta.


Ingredients for four servings:

350 g pasta (paccheri, macaroni, shut up or half sleeves)

The sauce from the ready-made Neapolitan ragù




  • Fill a large pot with a lot of water.

  • Then salt the water and bring it to a full, rolling boil. When pasta is ready, drain it well from the water.


  • Heat the sauce, and bring it back to a boil.

  • Season the pasta with the sauce.

  • The pasta with Neapolitan Ragu sauce is served hot with a sprinkle of Parmigiano Reggiano or pecorino cheese.


Our pasta with Neapolitan Ragu goes well, accompanied by a nice glass of Italian red wine.


Buon appetito 😊



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