Quick Recipe for Potato-free Gnocchi with Parmesan Cream


Gnocchi with Parmesan cream is a simple and delicious dish. It is easy and quick to prepare with just a few ingredients. For this recipe, we have used homemade Gnocchi, but you can also use the one from the grocery store.

Servings for two:

How to prepare potato-free dumplings:

You can prepare the Gnocchi by yourself by following the recipe here:

Easy Homemade Italian Gnocchi Recipe without Potatoes

For the Cream:

  • 50 g grated Parmesan cheese

  • 100ml cream for cooking

  • A pinch of nutmeg

  • 30 g butter

  • 300 g dumplings


  • In a pan, melt the butter and add the grated Parmesan cheese and the cream.

  • Mix well and cook for a few minutes. As soon as the cream is ready, add a pinch of nutmeg.

  • Drain the dumplings and add them to the Parmesan cream.

  • Serve warm, sprinkled with grated Parmesan cheese and a glass of good Italian wine.

Buon Appetito

The plates are from here Ceramics from the Amalfitan Coast and Sorrento.


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